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Samaritans was founded in 1953 and has a mission to reduce the number of people who die by suicide and, as part of this vital aim, they run a free 24/7 emotional support helpline which people in need can ring when they need advice or someone to talk to. Conversations happen on the phone, by email and face-to-face in 201 branches in the UK and Ireland and the service is supported by 20,000 volunteers.
As the charity has grown, they have worked to become more digital to increase awareness of the helpline (which is already being used once every 6 seconds), to increase donations, and grow the number of new volunteers. To help with these goals, Samaritans partnered with Google to measure the impact of their Ad Grants campaign by way of conversion tracking with Google Analytics to help Samaritans plan digital spend for their biggest marketing campaigns. Google awards not-for-profit organisations with free Search ads, as part of its Google Ad Grants programme, to help to connect them with people in need of support as well as the wider community.
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