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The All In Census will be taking place on 12 March 2025, where every individual advertising and marketing services professional working in the UK will be asked to spend around 15 minutes sharing census-style data in a confidential and independent study conducted by Kantar. This year, the questions in the All In Census will be specific to retention in the advertising industry, while also having new questions that will help gain a richer understanding of matters such as hybrid working.
The All In Census, developed with Kantar, is now in its third iteration following the inaugural survey in 2021 which gathered 16,000 responses and the second in 2023 which exceeded the original response rate to reach nearly 19,000 people working in the UK advertising and marketing services, across brands, agencies, media owners and tech companies. The abundant data provided the most thorough understanding yet of the industry’s make-up and helped form the All In Action plan, a series of eight actions which companies across the industry are urged to implement.
Visit our All In hub for more information.
We will be holding an exclusive breakfast on the morning of 8 May to reveal the findings from the 3rd All In Census, find out more details here.
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