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Ad Matters: Are You All In?
We’re four weeks away now from the 2025 All In Census, which takes place on March 12, and our team are pushing as hard as we can to get the biggest response yet. Last time round, we managed to generate nearly 19,000 responses to the survey and the richness of data helped inform many decisions about how we recruit and retain the best talent from the broadest background possible.
Already we’ve seen many organisations in our industry stepping forward to help promote this year’s survey with social posts, info in newsletters, advertising and promotional partnerships planned, and most importantly, diary invites going out to all-staff to take part on the day itself. If you can help encourage participation in the All In Census, need social media assets and/or have an idea of something else we can do to spread the word, please get in touch with us here at the AA.
Our must-reads:
Our pick of the ads:
Dates for your diary:
And finally, we are happy to announce FCB London as our newest member of Front Foot!
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