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How do we best sell a sustainable future? To borrow from System 1’s Greenprint, it’s hope over fear. World Earth Day / week was always going to be a busy one, given the new book, and it proved to be the case with in-person events and webinars, speaking with hundreds of UK, European and US colleagues. My thanks to Haymarket Business Media, Jellyfish with Google and Oatly, the 4A’s, the teams at Talon and Clear Channel Europe, and to the folk at EACA and Edcom where I joined Richard Robinson to speak alongside Simona Azzolini of Futerra, Polly Mackenzie and Dr Kirstie Reidl to academics teaching advertising and marketing in Universities across Europe.
I’ve been asking people three questions:
Then, we talk about how we can take positive action through the adoption of the Sustainable Advertising manifesto.
I’m thinking of changing that third question. Can you be part of the change that makes our industry and our way of life more sustainable? Hunch is, I’ll probably get a unanimous, yes. Then we build on what actions each and every one of us can take to make a difference.
It’s becoming clearer and clearer to me that presenting a positive way forward is everything, if we are to change people’s behaviours, and that includes the people that work in our industry. The selling of a sustainable future starts with us, and it has to be based in positive actions, case studies and success stories for everyone to learn from and build on. We touch on this in the book, borrowing a phrase from James Murphy, then AA Chair, where he said that our industry needs to learn how to sell better. If you think you’ve been working on a campaign that does exactly that, why not enter it into this year’s Campaign Ad Net Zero Awards? Come on, share your achievements with fellow ad professionals to help accelerate the demand for more sustainable products, services and behaviours.
In other news, it’s also been a huge week across many of our other initiatives. We’ve released the FY2023 ad spend figures in partnership with our friends at WARC, Stephen spoke on stage at the PPA Festival about the importance of the public’s trust in our work, Campaign’s School Reports are tracking whether agencies are All In Champions and two major events about inclusion run by the IPA and Creative Equals highlighted how progress is happening but more needs to be done.
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