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Throughout the year we host online insight sessions for our Front Foot and AA members. These sessions focus on key topics and trends happening at the time and usually consist of a presentation, conversation from members/specialists and the chance for questions to be asked afterwards. Please find below the most recent sessions we have held and recordings of them.
Skills & Talent Roundtable with Skills England, 25 February 2025
Emily Eisenstein, Head of Sector Engagement at Skills England shared their plans to tackle skills gaps, boost technical education, and ensure we have the skilled workforce needed to achieve the government’s plans for growth.
Watch the recording here
The Best Christmas Ads Unwrapped, 11 December 2024
We heard from Lynne Deason, Chief Creative Excellence Elf at Kantar who took us through the 2024 Best Christmas Ads. She revealed the secrets of winning ads and unwrapped the magic of campaign effectiveness giving you the gift of inspiration for greater all year-round effectiveness as the best most-loved ads should not just be for Christmas.
Watch the recording here
How Overwhelmed Consumers Are Seeking Joy, Under Pressure, 13 November 2024
Kantar Media is harnessing TGI consumer data to identify a new audience segment they have called ‘Overwhelmed Consumers.’ In 2024, this group makes up a third of the total population, prioritising slower-paced activities and creating homes that emphasize convenience, comfort, and safety. They are also adapting their snacking and media habits.
John Reah, Senior Insights Manager, and Tess Bindernagel, Account Director at Kantar Media, presented this research, helping us to understand what motivates this consumer group and how to engage with them effectively. As the macro environment becomes increasingly conducive for their growth, it’s crucial for brands to adapt their strategies to meet the unique needs of these consumers.
Watch the recording here.
Decoding Political Advertising: Media Smart and the AA’s guide to its regulation, 30 April 2024
In this session, Stephen Woodford, CEO, Advertising Association, along with industry experts, lifted the lid on political advertising: what it is, who regulates it and how you can be better informed. It featured Media Smart and the AA’s new guide to political advertising, with Rachel Barber-Mack, Executive Director of Media Smart, speaking about the importance of educating young voters, as well as the wider public.
Watch the recording here.
Future-Facing Creative Skills Roundtable, 20 February 2024
Following on from our Skills & Talent Roundtable in November, we heard from Miles Beckwith from the Department for Business and Trade who provided a overview of the impact of emerging technologies on the skills landscape. This was followed by an open discussion and questions from members.
Watch the recording here.
The Best Christmas Ads Unwrapped, 12 December 2023
In this Front Foot Insight Session, Kantar revealed the top performers from this year’s festive ads. Lynne Deason, Head of Creative Excellence at Kantar shared the secrets of success with 6 gifts of inspiration.
Watch the recording here.
Investing in Our Talents Future Roundtable, 1 November 2023
We heard from Miles Beckwith from The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) and Janis Makarewich-Hall from The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) who provided a broad overview on the Government’s skills and talent agenda. This was followed by an open discussion and questions from members.
Watch the recording here.
How Can You Help Tackle the Climate Emergency?, 26 September 2023
We heard from Anthony Falco and Elle Chartres from the Ad Net Zero team on how our members can help the advertising industry tackle the climate emergency. The session focused on:
Watch the recording here.
Cost of Living Crisis and its Impact on Consumers, 19 July 2023
We had a presentation from John Reah, Senior Insight Manager from Kantar who presented the latest data and insights into the impact of inflation and the cost of living crisis on the consumer. Watch the recording here.
Body Image and Influencers, 13 June 2023
We heard from Dr Luke Evans, Conservative MP for Bosworth, about his concerns about digital manipulation of body image in advertising and the effects this is having on people’s mental health. The new Code of Conduct which ISBA and the Influencer Marketing Trade Body was also discussed. Watch the recording here.
Did the ASA’s national campaign impact trust in advertising? Oooh yes! 25 May 2023
We heard from ASA Chief Executive, Guy Parker and AA Chief Executive, Stephen Woodford, alongside ASA Research Specialist, Kam Atwal and Marketing Manager, Kim Martinez for an exclusive preview of some exciting research results, highlighting the positive impact of the ASA’s recent ad campaign on trust in ads and the ad industry more generally. Watch the recording here.
Cracking the Creative Effectiveness Code, 14 March 2023
Creative effectiveness is the second most important factor after brand size in determining the profitability of your advertising investment. At a time when brands are under pressure due to the cost-of-living crisis, making the most of every opportunity to positively engage with consumers in a way that differentiates your brand from others becomes even more important. Lynne Deason, Head of Creative Excellence at Kantar, brought to life what it takes to succeed using examples of top performing ads from The Works. Watch the recording here.
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