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The All In Census returns on March 12, 2025. Those who work in the advertising and marketing services industry are encouraged to complete the survey to provide data which will help to shape the next phase of the All In Action plan and ensure it is informed by the broadest range of data and lived experiences. It takes just 15 minutes to complete and is confidential and anonymous.
All In is an industry-wide programme, led by the Advertising Association (AA), IPA and ISBA, with an aim to build a workplace where everyone feels they belong. The All In Census this year aims to beat the record 19,000 responses which were received in 2023. To date, the survey, developed with Kantar, remains the largest industry survey of its kind.
A key benefit of taking part is AA, IPA and ISBA members receive access to their own All In dataset against the industry benchmark in a bespoke report, providing their business has enough respondents.
The data helps to build and shape the All In Action Plan, a series of eight actions which companies across the industry are encouraged to implement. Since launch, there are currently over 130 All In Champion companies who have provided evidence that they have put each of the All In actions into practice.
The All In Census goes live on March 12. Bookmark this link and share with colleagues ahead of the day:
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