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Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic we have been keeping our Government advice page on our website up to date with the latest changes and announcements and have included links to where you can claim for schemes such as the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. You can check that out here. We’ve also been tracking the latest news and opinion pieces from industry media on the virus, which you can find here.
In other Coronavirus news, our PA team has been busy on behalf of members. Take a look at what they’ve been up to here.
Our UK Advertising Exports Group (UKAEG) is launching its first ever virtual trade mission at CogX, the UK’s biggest global leadership summit and festival of AI and breakthrough technology, running from 8-10 June.
Virtual Cog-X expects more than 30,000 people to view the festival’s 18 stages, one of which is focused on Createch, and UKAEG is delighted to be a supporter. This year’s event is a great opportunity to show how the UK creative industries are innovating in extraordinary times, reach a senior global audience and address how creativity and tech can help get the next ten years right. UKAEG is taking along 50 companies on this virtual trade mission, where it will be hosting an ambitious programme of live-streamed content, providing digital networking and one2one meetings with international clients.
Our Chief Executive, Stephen Woodford, commented: “As the UK advertising and marketing services industry looks to the future, Createch represents a great opportunity to showcase our expertise, engage with a global industry community and boost our exports.” Read more over on the UKAEG hub here.
On June 10 we are going to be hosting our next virtual event for our Front Foot members on the theme of ‘Build Back Better – The Blueprint for Recovery’.
It will be hosted by our Front Foot Chair Mark Evans (MD, Marketing and Digital, Direct Line Group) and he will be joined by the Royal Mail, Tim Pearson (CEO of OMD), Tammy Einav (CEO of Adam eveDDB) and Pete Jeavons (Director of Marketing Communications – EE & BT and interim Group Brand Director – BT Group) to discuss how we can best use the learnings from Covid-19. We will also be covering topics such as how we should develop our people and our working culture across the industry as we ease out of lockdown, plans for a brand-new chapter of our Advertising Pays 8 report on our industry’s social contribution and the latest conversations across industry and with government on how advertising can be used to drive economic and social recovery.
It will take place from 9-10.30am and is for Front Foot members only. If you would like to attend, please contact Polly.
Our industry’s think tank, Credos, are looking for advertising and marketing communication professionals to take part in a survey on environmental sustainability and the role of the UK advertising industry in this area.
The survey will only take around 15 minutes to complete and you will also get the option to enter a prize draw to be one of six winners who will have a tree planted in their name! If you would like to complete it, head over to the survey here. Many thanks in advance!
The Covid-19 pandemic marks a dark period in UK and world history and a significant impact on human society. For the ad industry, agencies have had to react overnight to their clients’ communication brief for lockdown, with ‘remote’ ad production planned via ‘virtual’ meetings. As archivist to the UK communications industry, The History of Advertising Trust (HAT) is keen to collect and preserve records of such campaigns, not only ads but creative briefs, correspondence etc. and content that depicts how the industry itself has been affected.
Contact for more information – ensure your work becomes part of advertising history.
Despite the situation we are currently in, we have never seen a greater push from Adland doing brilliant creative and entrepreneurial work in response to COVID-19. This is why we have now added a dedicated COVID-19 category to our Ad Pays 8 hub, which highlights industry work that has a positive contribution to society. This week, check out member Mediacom’s series of thought leadership pieces ‘The Lockdown Diaries’ here.
You’ve made it this far – why not treat yourself and watch our ad of the week?
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