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Our members from the world of TV including ITV, Channel 4 and Sky all feature in the new Thinkbox publication ‘A Year in TV’. We’ve got an excerpt here where ISBA’s Head of Media Bobi Carley talks to Kelly Williams, Managing Director, Commercial at ITV, John Litster, Managing Director at Sky Media, and Jonathan Allan, Chief Operating Officer at Channel 4 about broadcaster collaboration, how technology is transforming the TV advertising landscape with addressability, and the emergence of a range of new data solutions and cross-media measurement.
Thinkbox’s ‘A Year in TV’ is now available to read online, filled with information on TV’s place in the changing media world, why TV continues to be such excellent value, what the future holds for TV advertising and its increasingly advanced capabilities, and how to maximise short-term advertising returns without sacrificing sustained growth. You can download a copy from here.
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