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Rachel Barber-Mack, Executive Director, Media Smart
I believe that Media Smart has never been more relevant, and that there has never been a more pressing time to invest in media literacy for young people. This is a shared responsibility for us all in the advertising and media
industry, way beyond our current 35 supporting partners.
Media Smart has made enormous strides – with measurable impact – in this area, but I also believe we are just scratching the surface.
Gen Z is being faced with faster, and more radical developments in areas such as politics, economics, societal change, technology, ethics, and the environment, and this ‘speed and revolution’ factor also applies to their media consumption.
The ever-changing landscape (compounded by their embracing of Artificial Intelligence) means we need to move quicker, and more responsively to keep up, because treading water will only result in us going backwards.
We know the Government has scrutinised online advertising – and online harms (especially those directed to under-18s) – and it is critically important that we all, maintain an effective leadership stance, both in terms of thought and action.
Public trust in advertising is built on the foundation of self-regulation and, I believe, is made even stronger with education which is why we must increase, the funding and support of media literacy for our young people because it works.
You can download a full copy of our 2023 Annual Review here.
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