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Sky set out the goal of helping to reduce the amount of plastics that pollute oceans by drawing attention to the impact that plastic pollution can have. Sky itself announced that by 2020 it would remove all single use plastics from its supply lines and operations.
The campaign featured an exclusive 45-minute TV documentary, as well as promotions at events, celebrity endorsements, and the hashtag #PassOnPlastic was used to spread the message over social media. Sky and Ocean Rescue also partnered with different sports entities to spread their message.
In 2017, Sky partnered with the Kia Oval cricket stadium to distribute 20,000 limited-edition re-usable plastic bottles while England played South Africa and Sky also teamed up with the Premier League to encourage football clubs to stop using plastics by 2020. Sky also announced that they would invest £25 million to the Ocean Rescue Innovation Fund, developed to find innovative ways to reduce plastic waste in the oceans.
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