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The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Advertising provides an opportunity to bring industry leaders, MPs and Peers together to discuss the positive work of the advertising industry, including this industry’s impact across all the nations and regions of the UK.
The advertising industry also offers huge opportunities for growth and innovation, and highlights work that contributes to positive social benefits.
Details of our members can be found here.
Research shows that the industry is recognised as a force for good in society, particularly when it comes to advertising campaigns that support positive behaviour change, such as encouraging people to get vaccinated or raising awareness of cancer screenings. The UK also has a world-class self- and co-regulatory system, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), ensuring that ads are legal, decent, honest and truthful.
The APPG for Advertising was launched on the 22nd January 2025, with the three pillars of advertising (the AA, IPA and ISBA) convening in Parliament.
Future meetings will showcase the successes of the industry in areas such as responsible advertising, jobs, regional investment, exports and AI.
Learn more about the APPG by reading our briefing for MPs and Peers here.
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