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I love LEAD. It’s our opportunity to convene the industry, along with our partners, the IPA and ISBA, to discuss the big topics affecting everyone working in UK advertising. It was fantastic to see so many people at the QEII Centre yesterday and to hear the views and insights from leaders across the advertising eco-system. Our team is busy digesting all the debates and discussions and we will be sharing reflections on the content over the coming weeks.
Growth and value was at the heart of the work we unveiled in our preview of Ad Pays 2025 – there will be more on that over the coming months. But also it was clear that trust is top of mind for many speaking at the event. Along with the thought that we are all dependent on each other to set the standards and make progress on behalf of the UK advertising industry, whatever may be happening in other parts of the world.
Our must-reads:
Our pick of the ads:
Dates for your diary:
Now LEAD is done, our next priority for the industry is the All In Census on March 12. We want to encourage the biggest participation yet from across the industry and we need your help. Please take a moment to pop the date in your diary to fill in the survey, it will only take 15 minutes to complete, and send an invite out to all your colleagues too.
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